Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lesson of Struggle and Joy

This week was a fun week. We had 2 exchanges where we switched companions for a day and we had a lot of fun. We met up to switch at Baskin Robbins which was really fun.

 We met this lady carrying groceries into her house and she let us come in and talk with her. 

Later that night we went knocking in a mostly English speaking area and we had no luck and earlier a bunch of our lessons got canceled. It felt like we had no success that day but it was good to remember the small things and miracles we had seen. It ended up that the lady we had met let us in to teach her the next day and she made food which was a great pick-me-up. 

We had dinner Sunday with a family and they made Ceviche with crab and shrimp which was good and we had tres leche cake which was amazing!

think it is interesting how the Lord let's us struggle at times so that when good things come we feel joy so much fuller. I learned that this week; although one night we might not have had a lot of success and it was a little discouraging, it felt really amazing when the lady let us in and teach her.
I am excited for next week. We have another exchange and zone conference which should be fun! 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Cold and Rainy in "Sunny" Cali

This week has been a cold and rainy week. 

It's been raining like crazy so I bought rainboots at Payless.

We have seen a lot of miracles. One of our recent convert's husband said he would like to get baptized which was so amazing we are so excited for him! 

I got to go on exchanges Thursday and for the first time in 3 months I got to drive which was awesome. 

That night a huge miracle happened. We were knocking doors in a mainly English-speaking neighborhood and we felt a little discouraged because we weren't really talking to many people. But then, at the last house we knocked at, a lady answered and she spoke Spanish. We taught her the restoration lesson and set a return appointment. It was such a good way to end the night. The end of her story is we went back to visit her and she said she respected what we do but didn't want to hear more. I was definitely disappointed. She had been such a miracle and such a nice lady but I really learned that it still was a miracle to find her that night and that although she might not be ready now, we at least were able to plant a seed. 

Sorry no pictures this week. I will take more this next week. 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily PitaCalifornia Ventura Mission3301 W Gonzales RoadOxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

New Companion

This week has felt like a long week. Lots has happened but it's been a good week. 

I got a new companion she is really awesome - Hermana Trejo! 

She is fluent in Spanish so it's been a lot of help and fun talking with her in Spanish. We have been really taking advantage of all the time we have and talking to everybody.
We have a lot of potential and work to do here in Simi which is great. 

Saturday we had a "Walk Day" where we walk everywhere and don't drive and of course it rained all day. 

It was a lot of fun and actually didn't feel too cold. We were walking to our next appointment and one of our recent converts was on his way to work and walked and talked to us. Then we were walking down the street and another one of our recent converts was in her car and said "hi" to us. It was a great pick me up!  

This past week has been filled with a lot of miracles and a lot of people letting us come in their homes to teach which has been really great! I am so greatful to be able to stay in Simi for another transfer. I love it!
Hermana Pita 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita

California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

First Christmas on My Mission

Wow - a lot has happened in 2 weeks! 
The week before Christmas, a family who we are teaching told us they had never had a Christmas tree but they try their best to make Christmas fun for their kids and focus on Jesus Christ. Long story short, our Zone Leader got a tree and this family was able to have a tree for Christmas!

They were so grateful and it was a very humbling experience.

We made a Gingerbread House with the kids of one of the families we are teaching. They loved it!

Christmas Eve, our zone had crepes for dinner and went out Caroling it was a fun day. 

On Christmas, a member had the whole zone over for breakfast we had a lot of food and played games. 

Christmas afternoon, we went to our Branch President's house for dinner and to call home. It was awesome to talk to my family! We went back to our apartment and 3 sisters who are serving in a YSA (Young Single Adult) ward in Simi came over and we hung out. It was really fun.

The last week of our transfer was a really good week! It was full of tracting, teaching and getting ready for our baptisms last Saturday. We had 3 people get baptized last Saturday. It was a beautiful and amazing experience. One of the ladies getting baptized asked me to give a talk on the Holy Ghost in Spanish. It was a really neat experience for me. 

I think last Saturday was one of the best days of my life! I have not been that happy in a long time. It really is amazing how the gospel brings joy and peace to individuals and families. I am so blessed to see the change and joy in so many people. This work really is rewarding! 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita

California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.