Monday, January 21, 2019

Cold and Rainy in "Sunny" Cali

This week has been a cold and rainy week. 

It's been raining like crazy so I bought rainboots at Payless.

We have seen a lot of miracles. One of our recent convert's husband said he would like to get baptized which was so amazing we are so excited for him! 

I got to go on exchanges Thursday and for the first time in 3 months I got to drive which was awesome. 

That night a huge miracle happened. We were knocking doors in a mainly English-speaking neighborhood and we felt a little discouraged because we weren't really talking to many people. But then, at the last house we knocked at, a lady answered and she spoke Spanish. We taught her the restoration lesson and set a return appointment. It was such a good way to end the night. The end of her story is we went back to visit her and she said she respected what we do but didn't want to hear more. I was definitely disappointed. She had been such a miracle and such a nice lady but I really learned that it still was a miracle to find her that night and that although she might not be ready now, we at least were able to plant a seed. 

Sorry no pictures this week. I will take more this next week. 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily PitaCalifornia Ventura Mission3301 W Gonzales RoadOxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.