Sunday, August 25, 2019

Consecrating Our Efforts

This was an exciting and busy week!

Our recent convert, Saned, made the tennis team. It is her first year of highschool and they recently moved here a few months ago. It was so great to see how happy she was.

Tuesday we had a lesson with someone we are teaching named Monico. We taught him about faith. He said he knows he needs to be baptized but that he wants to be married first. The next day we got a text message from Margo, his partner, saying that Friday they were going to get married! Friday we got to go to the wedding. The Branch President married them and asked them if they wanted a big wedding with a party after. Monico said, "No, after we are sealed in the temple then we will have our celebration!". We are so excited for Monico and his family! 

The work here has been going really well. Since reading the Book of Mormon we have been able to use the scriptures a lot more when talking to people. It has been really cool to see how powerful the scriptures are. This week I was able to read in the scriptures about the counsel the prophet Lehi gave his son Jacob. He told him:
Nevertheless, Jacob, my firstborn in the wilderness, thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.

This week we have talked with a lot of people about faith. This verse of scripture never stood out to me before, but this week it really did. While I was reading this with a guide that explains the scriptures, it said, "One meaning of the word consecrate is to dedicate or make holy". Lehi seems to be promising Jacob that the Lord will dedicate Jacob’s trials for his ultimate benefit. On the mission I have seen the sacrifices that a lot of people have made. It is a very humbling experience and I wonder sometimes why people have to go through such hard times. That scripture really shows that if we have faith and rely on the Lord, He will consecrate our efforts and in the end everything will be for our benefit. Here is a picture of me and my companion out teaching.

I get to play the piano in the Branch at church which is nice. So many members help us and are willing to come to lessons. This is such a great Branch  (congregation). We also had a very fun District activity this past week.

I'm looking forward to another great week!

She loves getting emails. This is her address:

Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.