Sunday, October 28, 2018

Learning the Language

My days are very full with lots of hard work but I think I am getting into the routine of things. After I wrote my email last week, we rode the bus to the temple. It took about an hour to get there but it was amazing to see Mexico City. I really can not believe how lucky I am. Our afternoon teacher said he would come to the temple with us. We were on the bus and then an elder in our district, Elder Trospberg said "Hey look! It´s Hermano Enriques". He was on the city bus right next to us haha! The Mexico city temple is SOOO beautiful! It was all in Spanish but we got to wear English headsets. We went with 2 other districts; one Latino district in our zone and another American district. I truly felt that Heavenly Father loved me and had never felt so much love in my life. 
Image result for mexico city temple

After Pday (preparation day) it was back to work. Hermana Person and I had to teach the zone meeting. Usually it is done in English but since our zone is half American and half Latinos we taught in Spanish. We taught about the Spirit and how we need it in our callings. I felt like it wasn´t being received well because I was teaching and speaking in Spanish and had been there for less than 2 weeks. But then we asked people to share experiences about how the Spirit guided them to serve a mission. After that, I bore my testimony about the Spirit. The Gift of tongues is SOOOO REAL! The words just came out of my mouth and I could tell that people were feeling the Spirit. I did not stutter and I was able to get my message across. My district was like "Dang Hermana! Your Spanish was so good!" I think I really needed that experience and that was why I needed to be assigned to be a zone sister trainer. 

The next day at church our district was in charge of sacrament meeting so I got to play the piano! Hermana Person and I had to teach relief society-in English thankfully-and it went very well. The new Elder Zone Leaders got called and they are from our district too! The Zone leaders and my companion and I got to meet the new districts that came. We had 2 new districts and the Hermanas are great!. 

My roommates are amazing. One is from Washington and the other from Canada. Hermana Morgan, from Canada is hilarious! 

I've been able to make a lot of friends because of gym time. I´m the hermana who knows how to serve a volleyball. I think the Lord has blessed me because now I can spike hahaha! 

Image result for volleyball clipart

We had a devotional last Tuesday and we got the last two seats. We didn't realize we were in the choir seats until the choir stood up to sing. We were like "Oh no! We do not know the song". But it was just a hymn and we sang along. 

The language is coming along. We have a little red book called Basic Core and we had to finish it all in 10 days. It took me 14 days but it included 72 phrases, 340 words, the mission purpose, Moroni 10:4 and 5, the baptismal invite, and the first vision --- all in Spanish. Since Monday I've been trying to make higher goals for myself; 50 words a day, 10 phrases and 1 scripture. My teacher said I can do better so he wants me to do a minimum of 120 words a day. 

To answer some questions:

 I didn't meet my companion till Tuesday night really because I was working the front desk all day and hung out with the girls who were working with me because we didn't know our companions yet. lol. 
The food is amazing! 
My days are usually just full of classes and very little personal and companion study times. 
We have a morning teacher and an afternoon teacher. They are both great. They pretend to be investigators and we teach one of them every day.

I love you guys so much.