Sunday, November 10, 2019

Más Paciencia Dame, Más Resignación

This week was a crazy and busy week. 

We started teaching English to a girl named Rocio. She is in high school and she and her dad just moved here from Guatemala. 

It has been really fun to go over almost every day just to meet with her and get to know her better. We teach her English and she helps us with our Spanish so it has been really fun. 

Here is my companion and our bicycles. We have been putting a LOT of miles on them.

We are focusing on teaching 4 people right now who all have a baptismal date and are continuing to progress. We are so grateful for how much work there is in this area. We make goals at the begining of each week and this past week we had the goal of having 4 people we are teaching attend church. 

We were planning for Florencio, Ana, Rocio and Surgio to come. Sunday morning Florencio was in Santa Maria and couldn't come and Rocio and Surgio were going to L.A. and couldn't come so we thought we would only have 1 person come to church. Saturday night we were looking through our Area Book and saw a name of a man who had never been taught but came to sports night once. We called him and he said he would come to church. Sunday morning about 15 minutes before church started, no one we were teaching was there, but the man we called and his son who we had met once but didn't know they were related walked into the church! It was such a miracle. Then, about 5 minutes into church, Sergio came! He said something popped up and he couldn't go to L.A. Then about 20 minutes into church, Ana came. The Lord really blessed us because there was no way we thought we would hit our goal, but the Lord blessed us so much.

We had a meeting together as a District this week and here are some pictures. We did a serious one and then a normal one.

On Halloween, we had to be in our apartments early so we decorated and ate some Halloween cookies.

On our Preparation Day, we all went to an Ostrich Farm. We were going to all chip in together and get an Ostrich Egg Omlete but come to find out they were not in season. I didn't realize there was a season for Ostrich Eggs!! We did feed the Emu's and one bit me!! Hahahaha

On Sunday we had a lesson, probably one of the best Sunday school lessons I have had on the mission, about holiness. The teacher had us read the first verse of the hymn "More Holiness Give Me". 

The words in Spanish are different than the words in English; the line that the teacher really emphasized was,

"más paciencia dame, más resignación"
This line explains the importance of patience and of resignation. A big part of holiness is resignation of our will and having patience and acceptance of the Lord's will. That has been one of the hardest and most important things I am continuing to learn everyday, but I have seen how important patience really is and how much more joy there is in resignation to the Lords will. 

This next week is a very busy week. I am looking forward to it and I know it will be another great one! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:

Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.