Sunday, November 24, 2019

Obedience + Hardwork = Happiness & Success

Wow-week 4 in Lompoc flew by! 

Tuesday was Hermana Della-Piana's 9 month mark! She is halfway done with her mission! 

She is an AMAZING missionary. I am so greatful for all the things I've learned from her and for her example to me. 

Wednesday we had exchanges. 

I got to be with Sister Fowers. We had a blast. I am so grateful to have gone on so many exchanges on my mission and have been able to get to know so many other missionaries and learn from them. 

We have been working with this family who we found in our area book and decided to call them. They had never met with missionaries ever. The past Hermanas said hi to them once and invited them to sports night and they came one time but since then they had never gotten contact. We invited them to church and they have come to church for the past 3 weeks. It has been amazing. When we walk into their house, we just feel the light of Christ. 

They are so prepared to hear this message that we feel like we aren't even doing that much. God has prepared them and I have seen so much this week how the Lord prepares the hearts of people to be open to this message. 

Church on Sunday was amazing. The Branch is growing so much. We had a lot of people we are teaching come to church and a lot of less active people came as well. We are working really hard so that one day we will be able to meet in the chapel. This past week the Relief Society room where we meet was full and they had to bring in extra chairs and some people who could understand English went to the English congregation so that other people could have a seat. 
We are so grateful that the Lord has been preparing the people in Lompoc and that people are coming to church. I absolutely love the Branch so much. 

This past week in District Council our District Leader shared with us a little equation for missionary work. He said:

obedience + hardwork = happiness & success

Hermana Della-Piana and I have just been trying our best to do our best work and to be obedient. I know that the Lord sees our efforts even at times when it might not feel like it. But I have seen that as we have worked hard, the Lord gives us work to do. 

Tomorrow we are going to the Los Angles temple and I am so stoked. 

I know the temple is a place where we can really feel the love of God and I look forward to it. 

I absolutely love Lompoc. 
The people here are amazing and so is the Branch here. I am so excited for week 5! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:

Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.