Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Broken Finger?

This week was a good week. It rained a lot and we got to tract in the rain which is always an adventure.

 I think I might have broken my finger playing basketball. We went to Target to find a splint but they don't carry them so Hermana Edgel got 2 plastic spoons, broke them and they have been a great splint.

I got to go on exchanges and get a new companion for a day (see picture above). We had so much fun. We went to a member's home for dinner and she made real Mexican empanadas. She let us help make some which was fun. 

That night we had a lesson with someone preparing to get baptized. She explained how she was really struggling with her life and knew that she needed to get baptized and wanted to show her love to God but that she was just so discouraged. I was not sure of what to say. I could tell that this young family was going through a lot. It was amazing as my new companion for the day and I taught and talked, the Spirit was very present and God was putting the words into our mouths. It was one of the best lessons we have ever had.

The Church puts on an activity where all different religions come together and have choirs perform and all different nativities are on display from around the world. We got to go and it was very beautiful. 

The work here is great and I am loving it. I hit my 2 month mark and time is flying by! My companion made me chocolate chip pancakes to celebrate.

Thanks for raising me in the ways of the Gospel. Love you so much! 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.