Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Big Change!

This week was a little bit of a hard week. A few people we were teaching didn't want to see us anymore and we have been worried about our recent converts. It was a little bit hard but I'm greatful for the hard times. 

We ran into a lot of less active members. It really has been a week of miracles. On two instance we were knocking doors and the person opened the door and let us in. We started teaching them and then they told us they are members but haven't been to church in a while. 8:00 to 9:00 pm are times focused to visit members. We have been visiting less active members and have a lot of return appointments with them. Its felt like the Lord wants us to focus on the Branch and the people in the Branch. It has been amazing being able to be a part of this work and seeing how the Lord really does put us where he wants us to be. 

Friday the Branch had a Valentine's Day party and it was the best church party I've been to. There was lots of food we played musical chairs and there was a spoon egg race. It was super fun. 

Tuesday was transfers so we have a lot of different missionaries who came to the area which has been a lot of fun. 

There was big news last week that we can call (text, instant message, video chat - any type of communication) home Mondays which definitely was a huge change! 

Everyone wasn't sure how to feel because it was such an unexpected surprise. I think we were all in shock - hahah. I know how much of a blessing it is for my family to be able to be more involved in my life and the work. I'm excited to be able to talk to my parents! 

Here is my finger - still swollen and bruising when I do my exercises but it's not hurting as much and is getting much better.

My parents sent me chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. They were delicious!

There is a member in Ventura who engraves missionary name plaques and I got one. I really like it!

Talk to you next week!

P.S. - A note from her parents
We did get to video chat with her on Monday. She looks and sounds great! It was wonderful to have this change for better and increased communication and we're so excited to see her and hear her voice on a more regular basis. My sister joked that Itu prayed this change in for the whole church - he does miss his girl!

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Training Complete!

This was a fun week! I am done with my 12 week training which is crazy! 

 Last p-day we ate at Red Robin. We also went to a person's we are teaching and she fed us soup and then we went to another persons and she fed us tostadas. I had never been so full in my life!

Our recent convert was able to go to the temple this week and we got to go with her! It was a huge miracle that we got to go with her. 

We were able to teach new people this week which was really awesome. We also got transfer calls this week and I get to stay with Hermana Trejo in Simi Valley for another 6 weeks which should be awesome. 

One thing this week I've done is I started to not plan what I would say in my head and just listen and I have definitely seen that when I really listen the words are put into my mouth and my Spanish is not as choppy. I'm so grateful for the chance I have to learn and continue to learn Spanish. 

Here is a picture of my Branch President and his wife representing Michigan!

Hope you have a great week!

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.

Monday, February 11, 2019

It's Raining It's Pouring

This week there was SOO much rain! It rained almost every day. I'm so glad I bought some rainboots! 

I went to hand therapy this morning and that was painful-lol. Started out with some heat which felt good then an ultrasound. Then she moved on to workouts and a massage and then she tried to bend it and that hurt so much! After that, I got hooked up to these things that make my muscles spasm and it hurt but a good kind of muscle ache hurt. I go back in 2 weeks so we will see.

Tuesday was a missionary leadership training up in Oxnard and I went up because my companion is a training leader. I got to spend the day with some Hermanas up there, one of whom served in Simi last transfer, so it was really fun to see her again.

It poured rain one day and it seemed like nobody opened the door to let us in. It was a fun day, though the streets flooded, but Simi Valley is so green now which is pretty. 

This week we didn't really find any new people to teach but we have really been trying with the people we are teaching to help them progress. Transfers are next week so we will see if I am staying in Simi or moving. I'll be finishing up being trained which is crazy! 

I have definitely been blessed with the language. I always struggled studying Spanish in High School but it's amazing how quickly Spanish comes now. I am nowhere near fluent, but I have felt that God has helped me and put words and sentences into my mouth and has helped me to be able to understand what people are saying. 

I'm excited for this last week of the transfer. It's been a good transfer and I definitely have learned a lot! 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Learning about Sacrifice

This week was a good week. 
First, an update on my finger:
I went to the doctor this morning and the break is still there. He said everything is pretty set and the bone just has to heal. He said for bad breaks like mine, the new bone growth won't show up on x-ray until it is 70% healed. He wants me to go to hand therapy but it's not mandatory. I told the mission nurse and she said for me to go 2 times and that should be fine so I should go to hand therapy next week and then in a couple weeks. Then, I go back to the orthopedic in a month. 

Everything in the finger is good. It's swollen but they said it'll probably be like that forever-good mission memory-haha. I can't bend it all the way but it doesn't hurt to do anything. It's just stiff.

I got to go on exchanges with Hermana Person who was my MTC companion. We had lot of fun! 

Thursday was Zone Conference. It was really nice seeing everyone there and we had lots of fun! 

The weather was warm this week - here is a screenshot of the temperature from our car and a picture of the beautiful area I am serving in:

The Elders in our branch had one of their friend's baptism on Saturday and it was awesome! After that, everyone went to the daughter of the branch president's wedding reception for food. I got to try Chile Rellenos which was SUPER good. 

I learned this week about the sacrifices that everyone has to make to come closer to Christ. Christ sacrificed so much for us and here on the mission I've seen so many people sacrifice; coffee, friends, etc. Some people even walk to church who do not live close. It really shows the hearts of the people here who are willing to do whatever they need to, to come closer to Christ. It's amazing to see that. 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.