Sunday, February 3, 2019

Learning about Sacrifice

This week was a good week. 
First, an update on my finger:
I went to the doctor this morning and the break is still there. He said everything is pretty set and the bone just has to heal. He said for bad breaks like mine, the new bone growth won't show up on x-ray until it is 70% healed. He wants me to go to hand therapy but it's not mandatory. I told the mission nurse and she said for me to go 2 times and that should be fine so I should go to hand therapy next week and then in a couple weeks. Then, I go back to the orthopedic in a month. 

Everything in the finger is good. It's swollen but they said it'll probably be like that forever-good mission memory-haha. I can't bend it all the way but it doesn't hurt to do anything. It's just stiff.

I got to go on exchanges with Hermana Person who was my MTC companion. We had lot of fun! 

Thursday was Zone Conference. It was really nice seeing everyone there and we had lots of fun! 

The weather was warm this week - here is a screenshot of the temperature from our car and a picture of the beautiful area I am serving in:

The Elders in our branch had one of their friend's baptism on Saturday and it was awesome! After that, everyone went to the daughter of the branch president's wedding reception for food. I got to try Chile Rellenos which was SUPER good. 

I learned this week about the sacrifices that everyone has to make to come closer to Christ. Christ sacrificed so much for us and here on the mission I've seen so many people sacrifice; coffee, friends, etc. Some people even walk to church who do not live close. It really shows the hearts of the people here who are willing to do whatever they need to, to come closer to Christ. It's amazing to see that. 

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.