Sunday, April 21, 2019

Dog's Bite and Time Flies

This week has been a good week! 

Last Monday didn't end too well. My companion and I were at a door talking to a lady and then the lady told us she was going to turn the outside light on because it was dark. She opened the door and a small dog shot out and bit my companion on the leg! 

We called the mission nurse and cleaned it out. We went to the doctor to get Hermana Raban's bite checked out. I'm glad nothing too bad happened to her; she just had to get some antibiotics. 

The next day we had interviews with our mission president and it was really nice to sit and talk with him. On Friday, we had our Zone Conference and we got to hear from a General Authority. He was from the Seventy. It was really cool to hear from him. He really stressed the importance of the atonement and repentance and how it should be a joyful process. It was great to hear from him and I learned a lot. I got to play the piano for that which was really cool. 

Something really exciting this week that happened was our friend who we are teaching told us he has felt the Spirit very strong. We asked him if he would be baptized and he said yes! It was really exciting and we are looking for May for his baptism. 

For our Preparation Day, we got together and played kickball and ultimate frisbee. I also got to play tennis with another sister missionary and I still remember how.

I hit 6 months last Tuesday which is crazy!

I have 1 year left. Sometimes, time goes by slowly but the majority of the time it flies.

We have been able to teach lots of lessons which has been great. I have seen the gift of tongues work so much here. I feel that a lot of the time the words do not come from my thoughts or ideas but the Lord sends them to my mind and I am able to speak them.

Life is good I'm excited for next week. 

**Please Note - she has a new email address - listed below.
Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.