Sunday, April 7, 2019

Settling in at Morro Bay

Wow! So much has changed this week! 

Last Monday was my last day in Simi Valley. After P-day ended, we visited a few of the members and said goodbye to them. It was sad to say goodbye. We had a family home evening with our branch and I got to say goodbye to a lot of the members there.

Afterwards, a family told us to come over. We went over and took pictures and the grandma and mom had little gift bags for us. The daughter ran upstairs and brought down a little gift she got for me. It really touched my heart how much charity the members had for me in Simi Valley. It was such an amazing day and I truly love the members and people we were teaching. 

That night I packed my things and Tuesday morning I went up with some other missionaries to Morro Bay. The drive was along the coast and it was really pretty. I met up with my new companion, Hermana Raban, in Santa Barbara. 

It's been a really fun week getting to work in this area and with my companion. We serve in an English speaking ward but do Spanish work here so it's been really fun getting to know the ward and also finding people to start to teach. 

There have been many instances where we have been placed in someone's path by God. We went to dinner one night and there were a lot of people who spoke Spanish and we were able to set return appointments there. A big blessing was when we were walking back to our car and we saw someone and we went up and talked with them. He said that he really wanted to learn more about God and we were able to talk a little bit about our beliefs and he said he would love for us to come over. 

Church was really awesome and later that night we went to a different area for a family home evening all in Spanish. 

It is fun getting to know this area and the people here. 

**Please Note - she has a new email address - listed below.
Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.