Sunday, May 19, 2019

Confidence and Courage

This has been a good and busy week.

On Thursday, my companion and I went to downtown Morro Bay and had lunch. It is a beautiful town with beautiful views. This is a picture I took of Morro Rock which is in the harbor of the bay.

On Wednesday, we went out to lunch with our Bishop's daughter. We went to the Morro Bay Embarcadero. She brought 3 of her friends who are not members of the church. She has been a huge help to the work here. We are teaching one of her friends and her friend's mom. We had our first lesson with them and they really enjoyed it! We are really excited to see them progress. This is what the Embarcadero looks like.

We are helping a family get ready to go to the temple for the first time. They are super excited and so are we! 

We had our walk day this past week. We got to talk to a lot of people! They opened a biking area for Hermanas/Sisters in the mission so who knows, maybe I'll be in a biking area next-Haha.

This week the Preisdent of our mission wrote to the missionaries in his email about how important it is to put off fear. For me it definately is intimidating to talk to everyone wherever we are. In the letter, President wrote, "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage." That really stuck out to me this week because you just have to act. That goes hand in hand with faith. Faith is action. Although we have made many mistakes we can't let those mistakes stop us. 

I have learned this week to keep going and keep having the faith to do hard things. 

**A note from her parents:
She loves getting emails. This is her address:

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road

Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.