Sunday, July 14, 2019

Happy 4th of July

Wow this has been a crazy busy week! 

We had exchanges this past Tuesday and I got to be with a YSA sister here in Morro. We saw so many miracles. We walked and knocked this one door and the lady told us to come in. We got to talk to her for a bit. She was interested and had previously talked with missionaries and she really loves talking with missionaries. We also got to spend time with our Bishop's daughter, who we love!

We taught 3 lessons and that was a miracle too. We sat outside of someone's house in some chairs and people from the house kept coming out and wanting to hear. 

The fourth of July was super fun. We left our apartment in Cayucos and there were thousands of people in the little downtown for a big parade.

 All the streets were closed down and the members we live with brought us some chairs to sit with them at the parade. After the parade, we tracted for a bit but we had to be back home early. We got to watch the fireworks at the place we live at. It was a great day. 

We had another exchange the next day and I got to be with a sister who just came in the mission and it was fun to be with her. A huge miracle was we were walking and this lady came up to us and we started talking. Then she goes "Are you busy right now? I would love to go to the park with you and talk about your journeys and testomonies.".
So we went to the park (it was really close to the church) and walked and talked for about an hour with her. She really enjoyed it and she asked to go for a walk on Sunday so we were super excited. She is a Young Single Adult so we brought the YSA sisters with us for the walk and it was beautiful! She was SO prepared and I am so grateful the Lord put her in our path.

Sunday we fasted and I bore my testimony in our Ward and in the Spanish Branch. It was the first time I went up on my own free will. It was really scary but I did it. Life is good I love this area and my companion. 

I am excited for the next week. 

She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.