Sunday, September 22, 2019

Members Make All the Difference

This was the first week of the new transfer. We have been having a good time and have been very busy. We are continuing to tract, teach, and find new people. 

The Jenny Oaks concert was really cool. She and her 4 children are really good and they played really cool songs. It was fun and so relaxing to spend Friday and Saturday night listening to beautiful music.

One of the general church leaders, Elder Robbinson, is here and yesterday he spoke at a leadership meeting. I got to stay here in Santa Barbara and go on a split with Hermana Southard. 

It was really fun and we got a lot done and met some really cool people. We also got Chick Fil-A for lunch so that was also a huge plus-haha.

While Hermana Mejia and I were out one day, we ran into my Dad and took a picture:

Hahaha - just kidding Dad! We did run into this totally random statue of a gorilla and couldn't resist a picture of us doing our best impersonation.

This week I really learned the importance of members. The hardest part of helping people to progress is them coming to church. 

This has been one of the hardest things throughout my mission. We are teaching someone who had a lot of potential but hasn't come to church yet. Yesterday we had a lesson with her and brought a member. They connected SO well and talked the entire time. The member shared her testimony and they were able to relate so much. At the end or our visit, the member said "Let's exchange phone numbers". They live a street away from each other and the member said that she will pick her up for church Sunday so that was really cool! Members can relate so much better to people we teach. It really makes such a difference. 

Tomorrow we get to hear from Elder Robbinson. I am excited to hear from him and I'm looking forward to another great week in Santa Barbara.

She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.