Sunday, September 8, 2019

Striving to Improve

Wow! This week went by even quicker than usual!

We taught a lot of people and visited lots of people too. Wednesday was Zone Conference. It was really good and I learned how important it is to not only give information but to also talk about how the teachings of Jesus Christ have impacted my life. It has made a difference. It was so great to see everyone and catch up. 

One day this week, a friend asked us to meet her at court to give her moral support but we took a wrong turn and ended up here at first:
Luckily, we found the right place and had a good laugh!

Thursday Hermana Parker and I were on exchanges together. She came here to Santa Barbara and we saw so many miracles. 

First we had a lesson with Monico. He just got married two weeks ago. He said he knows the next step is baptism and that he wants his baptismal interview so that was super exciting! 

Also I did something that was on my missionary bucket list. We were in an area and there were some people playing basketball. They said, "Hey. Do you want to play?" We waved and kept walking. They said, "Okay. Maybe next time". Hermana Parker and I looked at each other and we turned back around and said, "Okay - we are ready to play". We played "street basketball" and gave them our number and information to the church. They said that one day they might check it out. 

Then the next day we had a bunch of lessons and we really wanted to meet with this one lady named Maria. Our schedules just weren't lining up but we kept praying that somehow we would be able to meet up that day. We decided to call her at 2:30 to see if we could come by on Saturday but then she said that she had just gotten off work early and that we could come by at 3:00 that same day.

We went over and had an amazing lesson. She said that God always sends us to her when she really needs it. Her brother is a member and so many members are her friend so it's great. At the end of the lesson she said she would prepare to be baptized on the 28th of September so that was really exciting. 

One thing I really learned this week is the importance of always striving to improve. One thing that has always been difficult for me is learning Spanish. 

I was reading in Preach My Gospel about learning the language. Thomas S. Monson said: 
There is one language … that is common to each missionary—the language of the Spirit. It is not learned from textbooks written by men of letters, nor is it acquired through reading and memorization. The language of the Spirit comes to him who seeks with all his heart to know God and keep His divine commandments. Proficiency in this language permits one to breach barriers, overcome obstacles, and touch the human heart.

I have learned that as I strive to do my best and have the Spirit with me and love the people, the spirit will teach and will help make up for my weaknesses in the language.

Next week is transfers already. This transfer has gone by so fast and I am excited for another great week. 

She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.