Sunday, December 15, 2019

Give Everything and the Lord Makes Up the Rest

Wow-what a week! 

Tuesday, we drove down to Oxnard and found out who we would be training. The new missionaries' flight got canceled the night before, so they had just gotten off the airplane and had a very crazy day already. I found out I would be training Hermana Giddings here in Lompoc. 

When we met each other I just was so excited! As we were getting all her things to head out, all the missionaries who had finished their missions left and a few of them had been my old companions. It was sad to see them leave but I am so grateful I was able to say goodbye to them. 

This week was a crazy busy week, lots happened. We taught a lot of lessons and did a lot of tracting so it was a good week. We had sports night on Friday and all the tables were set up for the Christmas party so instead of sports,we played some games. It was really fun. 

A husband and wife came that we are teaching and then the next day they came to the Christmas party as well. 

We are so excited for them and for their progression. 

This week I have really had to rely on the Lord and I know that he has been carrying me through and helping me so much. At the begining of this week I felt so insufficient, but I realized that all I have to do is be obedient and do my very best and give it my all. In the Bible, I love the story about Jesus feeding the multitude. In Matthew it says,
"17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.18 He said, Bring them hither to me.19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full."

I think about how the multitude gave everything they had to Christ and he made it enough for everyone there. I know that when we give everything to the Lord he will make up the rest.

I am so excited to be here in Lompoc another week! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.