Sunday, November 18, 2018

California, Here She Comes!

Lily will leave the CCM in Mexico and arrive at her Mission in California on Monday, November 19th. Her email address will remain the same. Starting November 19th, her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzalez Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.

This week has gone by SOOO FAST! 

Last Pday president Bennett gave our district these little mexican treats kind of like Twinkies but WAY better. 

He said he would come in and tell a parable about these treats. Our schedules were all so busy but he eventually made it in yesterday to tell us about his mission and how we need to set goals and reward ourselves when we achieve our goals. It was reallly nice that he took time out of his busy schedule to come talk with us. 

This week we had to pack up all our stuff. It is crazy!!! 

Lucky my bags are all underweight. Now I am just living in my suitcase. We found out that our flight is leaving at 6:30 am and we have to be at the reception building at the CCM at 1 am in the morning so it will be a very long day for me! haha. 

We met a new district yesterday. They seem nice. The branch president was not there so we had to answer questions and talk with them and introduce ourselves and explain the ways of the CCM. It was funny because the Zone Leaders and my companion and I thought our Spanish was pretty good until we had to run this meeting becuase the new district is all Latinos. They were really nice and I can definately tell that I have improved since my first week, but there was definately a language barrier.

Yesterday and today have been SO COLD - it's in the 30s and 40s! Can you believe that right now under my skirt I am wearing my sweat pants? Haha. My legs are just soooo cold. Nothing new has really happened this week. I am very excited to leave and head into the mission field! This is a picture of my Casa - my home for the past 6 weeks.

These past 6 weeks have gone by VERY fast. I can not believe that I am leaving in 4 days. It is actually crazy! But I am so excited. I will miss the people here but I think I am ready. It has been a hard 6 weeks but I cannot believe how fast it has gone.

Sorry this email is so short. I am starting to run out of time. I wont have a P-day this next week but I will the following week!

Love Hermana Pita