Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Golden Plates

This week was a much better week for me! 

It was really cool because we got to go to the temple on Dia de los Muertos. It was fun to see. A lot of people had their face painted and there were a lot of kids trick or treating on the side of the road. 
Image result for coco movie

Hermana Person and I taught Zone Conference and it was a really good lesson. We taught about Christlike attributes which was really good. The lesson went really well! 

Our zone got the "golden plates". One district who left last week gave us a Book of Mormon that had been passed down from district to district since the CCM opened. You highlight your favorite scripture and write your name and when and where you are serving. It is a big secret and no one is supposed to find out about it unless you are a current missionary here so the president and teachers can't know about it. It was so cool to see people's favorite sriptures. 
Image result for golden plates clipart

Also this week, we found out that American hermanas are no longer allowed to serve in a lot of missions in Mexico. One of my best friends here, Hermana Stone, found out this past Sunday and has been reassigned to Chile.Quick question I know that California does not rain a lot and Hermana Stone was not prepared to serve in Chile in the mountains where it rains a lot. She did not bring a rain jacket and it rains a ton in Chile. Do you think I can give her my jacket from Costco and you guys can see if you can get me a jacket from Costco or Target or something to send to me once I am in Cali? 

The hermanas in our casa started a family home evening on Mondays so last Monday was our second FHE. It is so fun to just talk with other girls and they are such good examples to me. It makes me feel a lot less homesick. At our branch council meeting we noticed that the hermanas in the two new districts were struggling getting adjusted. The Latino district leader aksed if we could really try to help the Latino sisters. He said that they like hymns and they like companionship. The thought came to my mind that we should go to their casas and drop off candy and sing to them. We asked the hermanas who came a week before us if they wanted to come sing and welcome the hermanas on Monday night and they said "Of course!". I bought some cookies and Monday night we surprised the hermanas, sang to them, and dropped off the cookies. I could tell that they felt a lot happier.

This past week I have been meeting my goals every day. I have memorized at least 15 phrases and 120 words and have memorized 2 scriptures so far! We taught a lesson this past week to one of our teachers and he always gives us feedback. He said our Spanish is improving and then he goes, "Hermana Pita your Spanish especially!" He said, "I remember when you first started teaching and compared to now it's very good." It was really cool!

I have met 4 Polynesian girls this week. Hermana Stone, who is my best friend here, is actually a quarter Samoan, a quarter Tongan and a little Hawaiian. She said she might be going to BYUH. She has already done 2 years at Provo. It is fun to talk to the poly girls. 

Also, my RA from college came to the CCM this week and I did not even know she was serving a mission. I ran into her at dinner. It was so funny to see her. This is her first week.

Thank you so much for the package. You always seem to send a package exactly when I need it. I love both of you guys SOOOO much. Only one more P-day until I go to Cali!