Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Safe and Sound in California

We just got a call from one of the Senior Sister Missionaries, Sister Ashby I think, in her mission and Lily got to California safe and sound! She was in the car with the other Sisters and Hermanas that arrived today. Her flight from Mexico made it to San Francisco without any problems. There was another flight with a group arriving from the Provo MTC that met up with the group in San Francisco so that they could all fly together to Santa Barbara. That flight from Salt Lake was very late and those missionaries had to run but they did make the flight and all arrived together. Unfortunately, not all of the luggage made it! When the call came, they had taken all of the missionaries to get something to eat and were heading back to the airport to pick up some of the missing luggage. We got to tell her we love her and hear a quick "I love you too!". It was wonderful to hear her voice!

They were spending the night somewhere tonight and then will have training tomorrow and then off to her first assignment. Sister Ashby told us her P-day will be on Mondays so we'll get an email next week. She said she'd have her write a paper letter and put it in the mail tomorrow. She also said she'd send some pictures today or tomorrow. 

We're so excited for her for this new phase of her mission!

The New Arrivals

Lily and Her Mission President and His Wife

Here is her first email from California:

Can't believe I am here! It has been such a crazy and fun week. 

Thursday after P-day, the sisters in my zone all went and sang to the new hermanas who came. It was so cute and Sister Stone and her companions came too.I took a picture of the sister's in my zone all together-it was too good of an opportunity to miss. 

Saturday was so sad to say goodbye to the teachers. The afternoon teacher, who really made an impact on my life, gave all of us a bookmark from the temple store and a little note. It was so cute. That next Sunday we had our last sacrament meeting and there was so much love in the room. I started crying saying goodbye to the Latino sister's who I had only known for 3 weeks haha. 

After some devotionals all the people who were leaving had interviews with the Branch Presidency. So it was my district and the other Latino one in the zone. The elders in the Latino district are so goofy and funny. We were all at the piano in the sacrament room waiting to be interviewed and someone had the sheet music for Peace in Christ which is the Mutual theme song. It's really good. The Latino elders said "Hey Hermana Pita! You play the piano and we all sing." So 6 elders, some from my district and some from the Latino district, sang in Spanish and English. It was so cool. 

I had to say goodbye to all my friends at dinner which was sad. Then my district got together and bore our testimony and I cried so much sharing mine. It was so weird haha. The last devotional of the day they have the people who are leaving stay for 5 minutes just to tell us to go to to bed on time. While everyone was leaving, I said goodbye to all the hermanas in the zone. We walked back to our casa after the meeting and there were all the Hermanas in our zone! They surprised us and sang 'Til We Meet Again. It was so bittersweet to say bye. 

Monday was a crazy day. I didn't go to sleep til 11 and woke up at 12:15. I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life. At the airport we were at the gate about 3 hours early and I was trying to sleep. Then I woke up and my college roommate was right next to me. It was so weird. I was like "What are you doing here?" She was by herself waiting for her flight. It was funny-such a small world.

The plane ride was great. The guy I sat next to was so kind and reminded me of me and dad. He was with his daughter flying back from Mexico. He had meet with missionaries the previous week-it was funny. We landed and had about 6 hours to do whatever. We got Wendy's and it was so nice to eat American food again. 

For the flight to Santa Barbara, the plane was SUPER small. We had to walk on the runway because it was such a small plane-only 2 seats wide and less than 20 rows. 

My companion is really nice. I'm serving in the Simi Valley area. There are 7 people on date to get baptised within the next month-it's crazy. 

Thanksgiving was good. We went to the Browns house and the food was delicious.

We ran into someone on Thanksgiving while tracting and they bought us pupusas. They were sooooo good. It was an El Salvadorian thing. 

A few days ago I got a cold so I haven't felt the best but it's okay. Sunday was fun. The Branch is small. I had to say the opening prayer, give my testimony, and do a musical number with the missionaries-haha. Two investigators came to church which was fun. 

Pday is good. I can email for however long and can look at emails during the week! The new rule is missionaries can only be fed on Saturday and Sunday-sadly. Yesterday we went to a sister's house. She made some Mediterranian pork dish. It was so fancy and so delicious. The apartment is really nice. My companion is a great cook! She cooks and I clean. This is her last transfer on the mission. 

Sorry this email is so long haha so much to say. I love reading your emails. I miss you but what a blessing I got to hear your voice on the phone. Mission life is good. I love you guys so much-miss you but doing well. 

Funny story: one of the first doors I knocked on the man opened the door and hid behind it and just had his head popping out.  I thought it was because he was shirtless because I could tell he didn't have a shirt on but then we left his door and my companion dies laughing because she says she didn't think he had any clothes on at all - lol! That's my first experience knocking doors-haha-but all is well here. 

I miss and pray for you guys every day!

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

Email: lily.pita@myldsmail.net
This is the direct link to her blog.