Sunday, December 29, 2019

He is the Light and the Life of the World

Hello everyone. This weekly will be short. 

Christmas has been amazing in the mission.

I love Christmas on the mission! We had a Christmas Zone Conference and it was great to see a lot of my mission friends. 

I learned so much. Most of it was focused on Christ.

It has been such a blessing to be out on my mission. Last week we also had interviews with our mission Preisdent and it was really good to be able to sit down and talk with him. 

Christmas Eve was so amazing. We had some lessons and then at the very end of the night a family we are teaching called us and asked if we could come over. We got to sit down with them and read the scriptures with them and then they gave us a TON of Tamales to take home. It was so kind.
On Christmas Day, we got together and opened gifts which was fun.

There is a scripture we have been sharing with people in Mosiah 16:9
"He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death"
Christ truly is the light of the world. 

He has brought so much light and clarity in my life. I am so grateful for this time I have to grow and learn. This week as we were knocking doors I just felt so happy and so much joy. I have never loved being a missionary more and I am so grateful and excited to continue here in Lompoc another week.

Her normal preparation day (usually on Monday) was switched to Christmas day this week so we got to spend the day chatting and talking - in between all of her activities. We can't thank all of you enough for all of the letters, emails, and prayers offered on her behalf. Thank you for all of your support!

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog. 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

I Know God is Mindful

Wow what a week! 

It has been a super crazy busy week but it has been a good week. 

I got to go to Ventura on an exchange with my old companion, Hermana Della-Piana's companions. We had a blast. Ventura is amazing. It is both of her companions' first transfer in the field and they are both doing amazing. The next day we had follow up training in Oxnard and it was fun to see so many missionaries. I learned so much. I learned some great ways to help my companion learn and grow and how to help our area. 

This week was a little stressful because Florencio, our friend who was getting baptized, was having some second thoughts. He did not want to fail after baptism and he was very hesitant. We explained that baptism is the first step down the right path. On Saturday night he wouldn't answer any of our calls or answer the door. Sunday, the day of his baptism, we couldn't get in contact with him, and he did not show up for his baptism. We were so blessed because the Elders had 2 people who were getting baptized. It definitely was hard when Florencio did not show up to his baptism. 

After the baptism, we had about an hour left of the night. Hermana Giddings and I wanted to end the night on a high note. We decided to go visit a member who missionaries had never seen who lived a little further out. We knocked on their door and a girl a little older then us answered. We got to know her on the doorstep and she let us in. She is amazing! She has had to raise her brothers her whole life and she was so inspirational with her life story. She told us she used to go on hikes with her mom and her mom would tell her to look at the trees and the rocks and notice how they are so big and she can't move them. 

She said those rocks and trees are like our trials; they are big and heavy at times and we can't move or change them, but God is the one who guides us on the path so that we can get over them and keep moving forward. 

I love a scripture in Alma 26:37 it says:
"Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen."

I know God is mindful of Florencio and every person we are teaching. I know God knows the needs of each one of us and he knows the needs of me individually. The Lord has blessed me so much on my mission and in my life. I love this work so much. During the follow up training meeting I just felt so strongly the importance of this work and how much of a blessing and privilege it is to be here on a mission.

I am excited for this upcoming week!
**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Give Everything and the Lord Makes Up the Rest

Wow-what a week! 

Tuesday, we drove down to Oxnard and found out who we would be training. The new missionaries' flight got canceled the night before, so they had just gotten off the airplane and had a very crazy day already. I found out I would be training Hermana Giddings here in Lompoc. 

When we met each other I just was so excited! As we were getting all her things to head out, all the missionaries who had finished their missions left and a few of them had been my old companions. It was sad to see them leave but I am so grateful I was able to say goodbye to them. 

This week was a crazy busy week, lots happened. We taught a lot of lessons and did a lot of tracting so it was a good week. We had sports night on Friday and all the tables were set up for the Christmas party so instead of sports,we played some games. It was really fun. 

A husband and wife came that we are teaching and then the next day they came to the Christmas party as well. 

We are so excited for them and for their progression. 

This week I have really had to rely on the Lord and I know that he has been carrying me through and helping me so much. At the begining of this week I felt so insufficient, but I realized that all I have to do is be obedient and do my very best and give it my all. In the Bible, I love the story about Jesus feeding the multitude. In Matthew it says,
"17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.18 He said, Bring them hither to me.19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full."

I think about how the multitude gave everything they had to Christ and he made it enough for everyone there. I know that when we give everything to the Lord he will make up the rest.

I am so excited to be here in Lompoc another week! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Grateful for Trials and Blessings

Wow this week was a CRAZY WEEK! 

Tuesday we got a phone call and found out that Sister Brown was going to join us and that we were going to be in a trio. She is serving in the Mesa Oaks Ward that is here in Lompoc. So this past week we were able to cover 2 Wards which was crazy but so fun! 

Thursday was Thanksgiving and we got to go to two meals: a member in the Branch and a member in the Mesa Oaks Ward - so we were stuffed. 

We taught so many lessons and our schedules were jam-packed. Sports night was amazing. We had lots of people come: some less active members; some friends we are teaching; and some great members who are fellowshiping. We stopped by a great bakery this week and couldn't resist.

Saturday the Mesa Oaks Ward had a baptism and we had been able to meet with Pedro, the man who got baptized several times this week. He was so prepared and receptive and loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was amazing to see him take the step to baptism. 

One of the biggest miracles on my mission happened this past week. We have been teaching Florencio for the past 6 weeks. He has been progressing and so receptive to the gospel. He was all set to be baptized, but the people who he is living with were all moving out, and he was going to have to move out as well. He had no place to go and the closest relative was in Santa Maria. He had 10 days to find a place to stay and a place in Lompoc was not an option. We did not feel comfortable with him being baptized here and then moving the next week, because he had so many other things on his mind and we did not think it would be giving him his best opportunity to remain active in the church. Saturday was his last day in Lompoc and we called him to say goodbye. 
He said he was with the Branch President who was helping him move. We said "Oh to Santa Maria?" He said "No, Presidente found me a room to stay at a member's home!" It was such a miracle and the Lord provided a way. Florencio came to sports night and church and has so much fellowship. 

Here is a picture of us at the Los Angeles temple.

And here we are getting our flu shots!

I can not even express how much I love being a missionary and seeing miracles everyday and how aware God is in every aspect of not only missionary work, but our lives. We had an amazing lesson at church about faith. In Ether 12:6 it says,
"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
A lot of times we have to be tested first to recieve the blessings of the Lord. We learned that faith without works is dead, but also works without faith is dead as well. We need to not only do the things the Lord has asked us to do, but do it with faith. 

I have absolutely loved this transfer and have grown and learned so much. My testimony has grown and I am so grateful for every trial and blessing the Lord has placed in my mission so I can learn and grow. 
I found out that I am staying in Lompoc and training a new missionary. I am nervous and excited, but I know that the Lord will help me and I am so grateful that missionary work is not my work, but God's work. It was sad to say goodbye for now to some old friends but I'm so excited for the new friends I will make!

I am excited to start another transfer! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036
This is the direct link to her blog. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

All That He Requires

Wow! This week was a very very busy one. 

Tuesday we went to the temple in Los Angeles.

It was an amazing experience. It had been a little over 6 months since I have been to the temple. Wednesday we had Zone Conference and it was awesome. I learned a lot! It was great to see some of my friends. 

The people we are teaching are doing really well. With Thanksgiving coming up, a lot of people we are teaching have family coming or are going out of town. A family we are teaching wanted us to go to Lake Tahoe with them on their vacation-haha-but we had to pass. 

A huge miracle this week was sports night. 

We have been trying really hard to get people to sports night. In the past there hasn't been a good turnout. This past week our friend Florenico came and 4 ward members who are really good at soccer. One of them brought a friend and a less active member came too. It was a super fun night! The Lord really provided for us. 

There is a scripture in Mosiah 2:22 that I loved this week:
And behold, all that He requires of you is to keep His commandments; and He has promised you that if ye would keep His commandments ye should prosper in the land; and He never doth vary from that which He hath said; therefore, if ye do keep His commandments He doth bless you and prosper you.

This is so true - that as we keep the commandments the Lord does bless us and that is all He asks us to do; follow Him and keep His commandments. 

I am excited for another great week in Lompoc!

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:

Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog. 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Obedience + Hardwork = Happiness & Success

Wow-week 4 in Lompoc flew by! 

Tuesday was Hermana Della-Piana's 9 month mark! She is halfway done with her mission! 

She is an AMAZING missionary. I am so greatful for all the things I've learned from her and for her example to me. 

Wednesday we had exchanges. 

I got to be with Sister Fowers. We had a blast. I am so grateful to have gone on so many exchanges on my mission and have been able to get to know so many other missionaries and learn from them. 

We have been working with this family who we found in our area book and decided to call them. They had never met with missionaries ever. The past Hermanas said hi to them once and invited them to sports night and they came one time but since then they had never gotten contact. We invited them to church and they have come to church for the past 3 weeks. It has been amazing. When we walk into their house, we just feel the light of Christ. 

They are so prepared to hear this message that we feel like we aren't even doing that much. God has prepared them and I have seen so much this week how the Lord prepares the hearts of people to be open to this message. 

Church on Sunday was amazing. The Branch is growing so much. We had a lot of people we are teaching come to church and a lot of less active people came as well. We are working really hard so that one day we will be able to meet in the chapel. This past week the Relief Society room where we meet was full and they had to bring in extra chairs and some people who could understand English went to the English congregation so that other people could have a seat. 
We are so grateful that the Lord has been preparing the people in Lompoc and that people are coming to church. I absolutely love the Branch so much. 

This past week in District Council our District Leader shared with us a little equation for missionary work. He said:

obedience + hardwork = happiness & success

Hermana Della-Piana and I have just been trying our best to do our best work and to be obedient. I know that the Lord sees our efforts even at times when it might not feel like it. But I have seen that as we have worked hard, the Lord gives us work to do. 

Tomorrow we are going to the Los Angles temple and I am so stoked. 

I know the temple is a place where we can really feel the love of God and I look forward to it. 

I absolutely love Lompoc. 
The people here are amazing and so is the Branch here. I am so excited for week 5! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:

Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Wow-this week was a crazy week! 

Tuesday, Hermana Della-Piana went to MLC (Mission Leadership Council) and I got to spend the day back in Santa Barbara with Hermana Garcia. It was a really fun day and I learned a ton! Wednesday we had interviews with President Nakken. They went really well; it is always great to be able to recieve council and advice from him and Sister Nakken. Thursday we went on exchanges. I got to be with Sister Brown who is serving here in Lompoc in the English ward. I learned so much from her. I love exchanges because it is a great way to see how other missionaries do the work and see ways that I can improve and to have new perspectives for how we can help our people. Here are some pictures from my week:

Friday was combined District Council. It was with the Santa Barbara district as well, so I got to see a lot of missionaries I had just served with, which was awesome! 

It was a jampacked week, but our people are doing really well. 

Another miracle this week was church attendance. We set the goal for 4 people again, hoping the people who are on date to be baptized would all be able to make it. Sunday morning we got texts and calls from everyone with a baptismal date that they were not going to be able to make it. Then the man and son who came to church last week unexpectedly came again! Also, Ana, our friend we are working with, came to church so we had 3 out of 4 people to church which was a miracle! But then in Relief Society, the teacher introduced her friend who came. We got to know her and she lives in our area and said she would love for us to visit her and teach her. It was such a miracle that the Lord provided a way for us to hit our goal of 4 people to church. 
This week I have felt so lucky and blessed to be able to be a missionary. In Matthew 6:32-34 it says,
"For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." 
This stuck out to me this week because it reminds me to focus on the true and simple things. When we seek the kingdom of God, we will be blessed with the things that our Heavenly Father knows we need; whether that be help with trials, answers to our questions, or guidance, the Lord will always provide as long as we seek first the kingdom of God. 

I was blessed this week with the confirmation of the truthfulness of the gospel and that it is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am so grateful to know that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet and that we have a prophet on the Earth today so we can know exactly how to seek the Kingdom of God. 

I am excited for another week in Lompoc! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by bike!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:

Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.