Sunday, March 24, 2019

Preparing the Hearts of the People

This week has been a good week. 

Tuesday I went on my last exchange for the transfer. I got to go to Thousand Oaks. It is fun going to different areas and seeing how the work is there. 

Thursday we had Zone Conference and it was really good. They said that for every 63 people that missionaries find and teach, only 1 will get baptized and for every 5 people that members of the church refer to missionaries, 1 will be baptized. 
Here are some pictures from Zone Conference:

We learned how important it is to really gain members trust and involve members more in missionary work. 

We have been visiting members a lot more this week and we have been getting more people to visit when we ask them for referrals. 

Friday we helped a Hermano in the ward, who is a florist, get ready for a wedding and doing the flower arrangements. It was really fun. 

We were able to teach our friend Elvira who is on date to be baptized. The ward has really taken her in. 

It really is amazing that God is preparing the hearts of people who we are teaching. 

It's the last week of the transfer and we are looking forward to making this the best week yet!

**Please Note - she has a new email address - listed below.
Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036


This is the direct link to her blog.