Sunday, June 16, 2019

Busy Week

This is week 5 of this transfer which is pretty crazy!  We have one week left of this 6 week period and then we'll find out if either of us are moving to a different area.

This week we had Zone Conference which was really fun; I got to see some other missionaries and learn a lot about how to involve members more in the work. 

We had a Bible study class with some members and a person who the Elders are teaching who is getting baptized this week. Wednesday we stopped by the home of a lady we had met the week before. We weren't sure would be able to progress because of her age but we went over and she had read the pamphlet and remembered it so that was good! 

Thursday was Hermana Raban's year mark so we celebrated! 

We saw some cute socks at a surf shop so we bought them.

We helped the missionaries down in San Louis Obispo (SLO) on Friday and went on splits with the sister missionaries down there. We got to talk to lots of people. Every Friday we get donuts at a delicious donut store called SLODOCO DONUTS. They are delicious.

Our Ward Mission Leader is having a party on the beach and we went to almost everyone in our area book to leave them an invite and everyone who we saw walking on the streets. 

Saturday one of the kids in the ward was getting baptized and he wanted us Hermanas to lead the music so it was fun to be able to go to a baptism. Sunday church was great. A member had us over for dinner. They are very musical and Hermana Raban and I decided to do a song for the spiritual thought. 
I played the piano and Hermana Raban is really good at singing so she sang. It was really fun! Afterwards, we had a family home evening down in SLO. 

This week was a busy but good week. I went to the doctor for my finger this past week and the doctor said that the bone was so badly cracked and cracked in too crooked of a pattern for him to be able to rebreak it and he would have to reopen up the joint. The only time he would have been able to do it was within the first 2 weeks of breaking it. He said the pain will hopefully go down with time. This was very frustrating news for me. I wish I'd seen this doctor right after it happened but I'll get it rechecked when I get home in April.

This upcoming week we are excited though because the Elders have a baptism and we also have the party for the ward on Saturday which should be a good way to get those we are teaching to become more familiar with the ward. 
I think I'm in the most beautful area in California! 

That's all for this week. I'm looking forward to a great week ahead.

**A note from her parents:
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.