Sunday, June 2, 2019

Letting the Lord Work His Miracles

This week was a busy week. 

We had exchanges Tuesday and Wednesday. I went with our Hermana Training Leader, Hermana Mejia. It was really fun. I got to go to Santa Barbara. 

She had us exchange so that I would be able to go to their sports night and district sports the next day. I asked her if it was a coincidence that we played sports so much. She said, "No, I knew you loved sports!" It really meant a lot. That has been one thing that I have missed a lot from my last area; playing basketball or sports every morning, so it really was a great treat. 

Tuesday night after sports night, my companion called us. She told us that Amelia, a person we are teaching, said yes to baptism on July 6! We were so excited. When she told us, I had not felt that excited in a while. I realized that hearing that news, I was happier than I was when at sports night. That night I was thinking, "Wow! That brought me more joy than sports!"

Thursday we did service with our ward for a food kitchen. There were so many people from the community there. We were able to gain a lot of member trust from that service activity. 

Another miracle is Sunday we passed around a member visit calendar. We have been struggling to get into member homes from 8-9 pm. 

This past week we had members sign up every day which was a huge miracle. We feel like we are gaining a lot more member trust. 

Last Sunday we had a zone-wide fast. A lot of our investigators were struggling, zone-wide. The energy was a little down and we needed a boost. 

As a zone, we all fasted and within 24 hours 5 people within the zone had committed to be baptised. Then at the end of the week, there were a total of 10 people set with a baptism date. It was such a miraculous week. Everytime there was a miracle or someone got set on date, we sent in a miracle report. 

The energy was so high this past week. It really built my testimony to keep up the faith and let the Lord work His miracles. 

**A note from her parents:
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.