Sunday, February 16, 2020

Thou Hast with Unwearyingness Declared the Word

This week was definitely a crazy week. 

We went over to visit our friend who is on date to be baptized on the 22nd and she said, "Hermanas, I want to let you know why I wasn't at church." She told us that the lady she lived with told her she was going to move and that she would have to pay all the rent. Our friend said she needed to go look for a new job and somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper, so she was going to leave to go to a city outside of our mission in 4 hours. We were so sad. We asked her if she would like a blessing and she agreed. The Elders came and gave her one and we said goodbye. 

We went to have interviews with our mission President a few days later and on the way home we called Teresa. She had moved and told us she put in some job applications. She said "Hermanas I really dont like it up here so I am coming back to Lompoc tonight!" We were so excited. We met with her the next day and she is really doing well. So we are excited for the 22nd. 

This past week we went to go stop by some of our other friends, Rocio and Sergio. They had a baptismal date as well. A little bit ago, we knocked on their door and the person they lived with answered. He said that Serigio and his daughter Rocio left a note and said they had to leave. So they left Lompoc very suddenly. We were pretty bummed but we know that wherever they are they will find missionaries. 

I passed my 16 month mark! Time is flying by.

We helped a friend make some enchiladas.

We have been really trying hard to help this Branch grow in numbers and unity. We have been doing a family home evening every other week. When we first started there were about 9 people and yesterday we had 18 so we are really happy and are seeing progress. 

I was reading in my scriptures this week and a scripture really stuck out to me. This is in Helaman, when the Lord gave council to some people preaching the gospel.
"Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will."
Nephi was an amazing missionary and I have been trying to apply what he did in my life. I have felt the Lord bless me so much individually and the people here in Lompoc. I am so grateful for this oportunity to serve a mission and to see the Lord pave the way for the people we are teaching and preparing Lompoc. 

I love Lompoc so much and the opportunity I have to be here with Hermana Giddings.

I am excited for another week here in Lompoc! 

**A Note from her Mom - Please pray for her safety as she travels by car!
She loves getting emails. This is her address:
Email: (Don't reply to this blog - it is a public site)

Her mailing address is:
Hermana Lily Pita
California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA  93036

This is the direct link to her blog.