Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Peace in the Storm

I am part of the meek and lowly of immune system group haha. I had a feeling it was coming and I was right. Because I have asthma and the coronavirus is really getting bad in California, they decided to send me -  along with 28 other missionaries - home yesterday. But what a ride I have had! 

Thursday we found out that the whole state of California was going to be put in isolation and we as well had to be in isolation-ALL WEEK! Yes, that's right; no knocking doors - no going outside to talk to people - no Zone Conference - no District Council - no exchanges. It was a long week of sitting and trying to be effective. 

The last day we could be outside we weren't allowed to knock doors, so the sisters and us decided to go boothing, which is setting up a table with information. But since no one was outside, we pretty much stood on the side of a road with a sign that said "Peace in the Storm" and danced around and got some cars to honk at us. It was fun - haha. 

In November, I made the goal to read the entire Book of Mormon in Spanish by April 8th, the day I was scheduled to leave. I was ahead on my reading and I finished it this past Friday. A few hours later, I got the call I was going home a few weeks sooner than expected. I knew that finishing the Book of Mormon was not a coincidence and that the Lord was aware of when I was going home. 

Throughout all the craziness of these past few days, I took a step back and realized how much the Lord wanted me to personally know that this was His will. Yes, I am bummed to be heading home 2 weeks early, but I know I have progressed so much, especially during my time here in Lompoc. I will miss the members and the people and the missionaries, but I am so grateful for technology and that I was able to call everyone I love before leaving. It has been the best 18 months of my life! I don't regret one bit of it. I love that I can say I left my mission with no regrets.

This truly is God's work. Jesus Christ is at the head of this church. What a blessing it has been to meet so many people and see the atonement work in their lives. As I have seen this, I can't help but realize how much the atonement has worked in my life these past 18 months. I am not the same person I was when I came out to the mission. Christ has helped me grow and has changed me. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Once I knew that was true, and I was able to look someone in the eyes and say I know Joesph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, I could finally feel the power and strength behind my words. This is the Church of Jesus Christ. Through the teachings of Christ we gain so much hapiness. I think back to my mission call, in it is says, "More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children." The joy I have come experienced from serving a mission is an enduring joy, a peace that comes from the Spirit. What a time it has been to have the Spirit as such a close companion to me. l know the Book of Mormon is true. It is through the Book of Mormon we know the plan God has for us, what we need to do here on Earth and how we can return to live with Him one day. The Book of Mormon softens hearts, it has softened mine. I love the Book of Mormon and know with all my heart it brings us closer to Christ. How grateful I am to have had this time to come to know my Savior better. It truly has changed my life. 

I think of how Ammon felt after the end if his mission, and I can't help but think and feel the same. In Alma 26:37 it says: 

"Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen." 

How thankful I am to have had this experience! The Lord truly is and has been so merciful to me. Thank you to everyone who has read these and has been so supportive of this choice I made to come and serve a mission. I am so grateful to each one of my companions and to all the missionaries I have served around. They have become some of my closest friends. 

Well I guess this is it! I will continue to implement all that I have learned and look forward to 14 days in isolation (hahaha) and then on to a new chapter of my life. But just know I love this gospel and my Savior so much.

I am excited to start a new week in Michigan! 

We can't thank you all enough for your support and prayers on her behalf. We are thrilled to have our wonderful daughter home and are thankful for all of the experiences she has had. We are so proud of her!